Creating hanging pom poms to match your event is an easy and affordable way to add to your party decor.
All you need for this craft is:
Cupcake wrappers (about 150 for 1 pom pom)
A Styrofoam ball(I used one with a 10 in diameter)
A Glue gun and plenty of glue sticks
And a ribbon or string for hanging
1. Start out by taking one cupcake wrapper and wrapping it around your finger to create a rounded base for your glue. If you are using a patterned wrapper turn it inside out so that the pattern is on the inside. You will see it better this way.
The pattern should be on the inside (not pictured here). I didn't realize the importance of this until after I took this picture. This is one of the many benefits of getting craft ideas from bloggers. We get to iron out the kinks for you :)
2. Next, simply glue each wrapper (one at a time) to your Styrofoam ball until you achieve the look you want.
3. Glue your ribbon on and place a few cupcake wrappers over the ribbon to enforce the hold.
You can play around with the tightness of the wrappers and the pattern to create a unique design that's perfect for your event.
I used about 150 cupcake wrappers for this pom pom to achieve a very full look
I made this one a little loser by using 100 wrappers and spreading them further apart
And for my last pom pom I used even less wrappers and I combined green and yellow for a variation in color.

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