Coffee Filter Wreath

This coffee filter wreath costs almost nothing to make (mine was under $7) and it's so simple!!

Here's what you'll need:

1. One foam wreath form - I picked 12"
2. One package of brown coffee filters (100 pk)
3. Glue gun and glue sticks
4. Ribbon
5. Scissors
6. Fabric flower (optional)

Your actually going to start with the back of the wreath first.
Fold one coffee filter in half, and then in half again and begin gluing them about 2-3 inches apart.  At this point you can tie your ribbon into place.  I left a lot of ribbon on (way more then I needed) because its always easy to cut it shorter!

Go back and glue more coffee filters into the spaces left behind.

                   Now flip it over!

For this part I started to cut the ends off of the filters because I found it was easier to fit them into place.  The only problem is once the end is cut off you need to put glue in between in order to keep it together.

Now just keep layering...
and layering..
and layering.....

It helps to fold down the edges like this.

Once your all done you can glue on the beautiful flower of your choice!

(or leave it plain and simple!)

And there you have it....



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