Hello to all my dear readers! I found it strange that for several months I had no GFC follower, so I started doing some research. During holiday I had a bit more time to read about blogging and I was preparing another giveaway when I suddenly realized that GFC has been discontinued this spring. So this just made me aware of how important it is to keep up with news. Some blogs had massive GFC readership which was built up with lots of efforts. Everyone has to adapt to changes and also try to preview the upcoming shifts. There has also been a communication problem here from Google's side, because I don't remember getting any notification about this change coming...maybe it went to my spam or was written in the usual official format nobody really reads. Instead I would have used some sort of warning in the widget itself, or something similar.
But back to Beauty and Aikido, I am not sure if my friends from GFC can see my posts any more and I am still working on ways to transfer you guys to some other platform, Goolge + or Facebook. This is rather troublesome, so I still need to do some research. You can also sign up for the free newsletter that I have or follow me in Google Reader via the RSS feed which has fortunately not been touched.
So in fact this is an invitation for everyone reading this post and who has been following only through GFC to join me on the following links:
If you know any way I can mass export my GFC friends, please let me know in a comment. Would love to hear from other bloggers about the way they bridged this change!

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