If your short on time and need that special snack for an upcoming play date, don't get caught in a web, these spider man cookies are quick and easy to create and will have your guests believing that you're the one with SUPER POWERS...
What you need:
- Round cookies
- Fondant (Red, White, and Black)
- Black Royal icing in a pastry bag with a #2 tip
- Xacto knife
- Eye Template (bakegreek.com)

To Make the Eyes:
1. Copy and paste the template into the program of your choice (I use Microsoft Word, Paint, or Power Point).
2. Draw a circle the size of your cookie, and resize the eyes to fit in the circle
3. Cut out your eye template.
4. Using the template, cut out the Black part of the eye first using your xacto knife, and then repeat the process for the White part of the eye.
5. Attach the White eye to the Black eye using a paintbrush and a little water, and set aside.
To Make Spider Man:
1. Cover your cookie with Red fondant
2. Pipe a spider wed with your Black royal
3. Add the eyes
To Make the Web Cookie:
1. Cover your cookie with White fondant
2. Pipe the spider web with your Black icing
3. Add a Red fondant spider to complete the look
Being that there's no drying time needed for fondant cookies, you'll only need give your royal icing webs about a half an hour to dry and you're good to go.
One look at these edible masterpieces, and you'll have the neighborhood kids lined up at your door for a play date!
We're linking at these parties!

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