The summer training camp was lots of fun. We had indoor and outdoor training and even water training. I will soon post some videos about that alternate type of training, too. But until then, I am trying to get over some unsuccessful break falls. I told one of the Shodans I had pains and could not train on the last day and she gave me something called shaolin patches.
The box contains two bags with five patches, that is 10 patches in total.
This is what the box looks like from the outside:
The patch relieves the pain, removes the stiffness in the muscles and has an energetic effect that helps in the healing process. Here you can see a great number of herbs that are listed under the ingredients section:
For me the patch helped somewhat in easing the pain in my muscle. I actually caused the injury to myself with my right leg during a break fall, when my right knee landed on my left leg. But the patches soothed the injury somewhat. If you are to purchase this patch please make sure to read the instructions carefully. Among others you need to check whether you are allergic to any of the components. Should any redness occur remove the patch immediately. Also do not use more than two patches one day.
Update: Stages of the Shaolin Patch that I experienced
1st day- the pain was too great and I felt just a little of the beneficial effects. I applied two patches and I did feel the calming warmth and soothing effect, but all in all I could hardly step on that leg. The next days I was using just one patch.
2nd day- I was already in the office sitting all day long, resting. The pain was attenuated and from time to time I started feeling the energetic properties in cooling and warm waves. I have worn the patch for about 9-10 hours and removed it in the afternoon. The pain was a lot attenuated.
3rd day- today I got up with little pain whatsoever. I can already step normally on the foot and it feels like just having some slight tightness in the muscles. As I am writing, the patch is still on and I can feel warmth on the area where it is applied and also a slight prickle.
For tomorrow I expect to have no problems at all, at least no pains any more. I am not sure whether I will apply another patch. I will check how my leg feels in the afternoon and tomorrow morning.

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