It was under her influence that I decided I should try some Kiehl's products. As these products are not available in Hungary, I had to search on the web and I discovered a great site which has free shipping, called
There I chose from the large Kiehl's range the Rare Earth Pore Refining Tonic
What attracted my attention at this product that it refines the pores and it also makes the skin appear more matte. As I am 24 my attention is now focused on products that clean my skin and make it look as healthy and clean as it can be. Another important step after cleaning and tonifiying is moisturising. So as a next Kiehl's skincare step I chose the Ultra Facial Moisturezer
My skin type is mixed and it is also rather sensitive. From time to time I visit a cosmetician. I think having your skin cleaned by a professional is really important. Cosmeticians can tell you what exact skin type you have and also how to take care of your skin. My cosmetician told me last time that some redness I observe on my skin is due to the fact that the skin is really thin and the thin veins are to be seen. She suggested that I keep my skin well moisturized and also that I wash my face only with warm water. Too cold or too hot water can cause the veins to appear even more. It is also well known that you need to take care of your skin not only from the exterior but also with what you eat. Some time ago as my cosmetician was applying a home made fruit masque on my skin she said I should vitaminize my skin more. I then asked her what masques I should buy. She just laughed and added: Well I meant by that, that you should eat more vitamins! I was not aware of that before, but after I heard and read a lot about how healthy eating can have a good effect on your skin. So I try to eating as healthy as possible, but in the mean time there are also some dietary supplements one can take. At present as the flue season is approaching I take some products of the Forever Living Product range: Forever Garcinia Plus, Absorbent-C and Forever Bee Propolis.
As this was my first order from
I got a free Brush on Gloss from IsaDORA in 03 Candy the color that I myself chose when completing the order ^.^y
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